he Board of Directors is responsible for developing and overseeing the Group’s business strategy and priorities, as well as setting high-level policies and overall management of the Bank, and is accountable to the shareholders for the financial and operational performance of the Bank. It is responsible for collecting and allocating capital, supervising executive management, monitoring its performance of the Bank’s operations, making decisions about important business and maximizing the long-term value of shareholders. The Board ensures that the Bank manages risks effectively by approving and monitoring the Bank’s acceptable risk level and identifying threats Long-term strategy for the Bank’s business and protection
The Meeting of the General Assembly was held At the Headquarter of Babylon Bank In Baghdad After discussion of the annual report and with the present od the auditor, the Members of the Board Directors were elected and the Chairman was elected (Al-Batic Insurance Company)
Board of Directors
Al Batic Insurance Company
Deputy Chairman of the Board
Malik Mohamed Majid
- Al Batic Financial Investment Company
- Malik Mohammed Majid
- Amaleed Qasim Ali
- Saad Falih Salman
- Aws Tariq Hameed