Through our experience in the field of banking services and by combining the latest investment styles and the latest technology banking division provides a range of banking solutions that include products and services that meet all the needs and requirements of customers where emphasis is that individuals services much more than just a slogan.
as well as Babylon Bank provides a range integrated products and services that are considered the best in the region and is keen as well as through the appropriate modern solutions to provide a unique experience for customers through personal banking services.
as well as the features of Babylon Bank of electronic solutions provided comprehensive for customer banking services via the Internet and land line and mobile, which along with this we will work to create a group of bank branches to spread in all parts of Iraq and abroad and deployment of ATMs network with the bank in the near future, God willing, and all of these services, which will be specially designed to meet all possible banking needs, Babylon Bank can help you save time and effort on dealers through a combination of preferred method for banking services with the products and services available and constitute dealers relationship with the bank focal point of careful where to provide advice and guidance of interest to dealers on all financial matters they face at different stages of life, a comprehensive study schemes or willing cappuccinos company a house or a car or even go on a foreign trip of any other words, all the different needs and requirements, starting from childhood right up to retirement.